‘Healthy Shower’ system.

We continue to lead the industry in reducing and eliminating harmful toxic chemicals used in showers to keep the environment and people healthy. We discovered the right sealer & cleaner, which make cleaning almost obsolete! We went to great lengths to make sure it stays that way by supplying our customers with Valore. Imagine a shower with no more caulk, no mold stains, no soap scum and no scrubbing needed.
Marble shower restoration>
Travertine shower restoration>
Slate shower restoration>

The significant steps of a ‘Healthy Shower’.

There’s nothing quite like it. Get your free estimate today.

Now there is an entirely new way to receive an estimate. Every estimate is assigned to an artist, who will complete the entire process. Just simply email us pictures and our server will calculate the rest. We already know the solutions to the problems.
Tile and grout restoration estimate>