3 Areas to Deep Clean on Independence Day

3 Areas to Deep Clean on Independence Day

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Independence Day is the time when we Americans got complete freedom. Every time this year, we all gather for celebration on this day. As friends and family gather at home on Independence Day, it gives you all the more reason to keep certain areas in the house clean and sparkling. Deep cleaning the most treaded-upon areas in the house will not only knock off all the deep-rooted stains, mold and germs, but will also render a sparkling sheen, which will impress your guests. Launching a thorough cleaning project in certain areas like bathroom, kitchen and pools will ascertain freshness and sanitization all around and will reveal a hygienic atmosphere for your family and guests. Below we have mentioned 3 areas to deep clean on Independence day with steb-by-step procedures.


Your bathroom is the most vulnerable area of your home and constantly faces water splashes and soap scum. Those who get hard water in their taps, also face the problem of hard water stains on their flooring and glass surfaces. While launching a deep-cleaning programme in your bathroom, you need to focus on tile and grout cleaning, tile and grout sealing and glass shower door restorations. You can also hire expert services from D'Sapone® for a thorough bathroom cleaning. We offer patented services and ensure that your surfaces remain sparkling and clean for long.

A deep cleaning project involves removing all traces of mold, mildew and tough stains from tile and grout. If you have used natural stone in your bathroom floor tiles, you should know that it is highly porous and tends to absorb moisture, leading to mold formation. Grout, just like natural stone is porous too. A penetrating cleaning product can rip off the stains and mold at the root level, delivering a thoroughly sanitized surface.

Grout Repair:

If your grout has cracked or worn off from places, then do not go for regrouting, instead, use epoxy resin adhesives to fill in the grout lines. If you opt for regrouting shower tiles, the staining issue will crop up again due to porosity and hence you need a product that forms a protective barrier and prevents moisture absorption. Sealing the grout lines using epoxy sealers will prevent moisture absorption further.

Glass Restoration:

Use heavy-duty shower approved glass cleaners to remove the deep-etched salt water stains and soap scum from your glass surfaces. A proper glass shower door repair also involves sealing the glass surface using glass sealers to prevent re-staining or etching.


Apart from the kitchen flooring, our countertops also face a lot of wear and tear. A thorough kitchen countertop repair can be done in a few basic steps. D'Sapone® also offers the best kitchen cleaning and restoration services. Using exquisitely designed products, our experts engage in deep cleaning and repair. So if you feel you cannot follow the procedures yourself, you can call us too.


You need to first use a heavy duty deep penetrating cleaner, which soaks in deep inside the stone and knock of stains and mold at the root level.

Sealing Grout:

The grout on your countertops is highly porous, thereby leading to frequent staining and mold formation. A proper grout sealing protects the grout from further staining, cracking or molding issues. It is essential to use an epoxy resin adhesive for marble countertop repair.

Sealing Tile:

Only cleaning does not guarantee that your stone will not get stained again. It is important to seal the surface after cleaning and grouting it to prevent further stains and scratches. An efficient sealer forms a hydrophobic layer on the stone and waterproofs the surface.

Polishing Countertops:

If you want a high-glossy sheen on your surfaces, you can go for countertop polishing. Polishing removes the etch marks from the surface and restores it just like new.


When guests will throng your house this Independence Day, wouldn’t you like to have a completely sanitized and sparkly pool? This area also requires deep cleaning to remove the mold and dirt. You also need to polish your pool rail and check for chips and cracks on tile. Here is how you can launch a deep clean programme for your pool. You can also hire a pool repair service from D'Sapone® – the leading stone, tile, grout, glass and pool restoration service provider company in the US, if the following procedure feels a bit overwhelming. Our artists perform patented procedures using the best products, thereby giving you a completely restored pool area.

Pool Tile Cleaning:

Use a deep penetrating cleaner to remove all the stains, etching, mold and mildew from the surface, while also delivering an incredible sheen and cleanliness. Select an alkaline cleaner that does not affect the integrity of the tile.

Pool Rail Polishing:

Everyone will be using the stainless steel pool rail to enter the pool. A rusted or stained pool rail feels very unappealing. A pool rail repair is necessary to ensure complete hygiene, using a heavy-duty stainless steel cleaner.

Grout Repair:

Pool grout should be waterproofed to stop the entry of liquids, causing stains and mold. A high-quality epoxy resin sealer can make the grout waterproof.

Crack Repair:

It is important to repair the cracks and chips to ensure a complete pool tile repair. Use a solvent based flexible epoxy/resin adhesive to get a seamless repair job.

Sealing Pool Tile :

Only cleaning the pool tile cannot guarantee that stains will not form again. It should be sealed with a good quality sealer to prevent further mold breeding and staining. Use a good quality clear topical based sealer to make the tile waterproof.

So engage in these deep cleaning jobs in these three main areas of your house, if you want to cast a good impression on your guests this Independence Day. You can alternatively hire the services of experts from D'Sapone® for a complete cleaning and restoration job at your house.