Best Thanksgiving Restoration Services to Enjoy Immaculate Homes

Avail the Best Thanksgiving Restoration Services to Enjoy Immaculate Homes

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Thanksgiving, the beloved festival of Americans is approaching and we are sure  you have got loads to decide, buy, organize and arrange. But, apart from sending out invites to your friends and family and restocking your pantries, have you given a thought to Thanksgiving restoration? Well, we know your homes are anyways clean, but a little restoration and deep cleaning will take the hygiene, decor and sheen to the next level. So, do you want to impress your guests with culinary skills as well as home-keeping skills? If yes, then read on further to understand more about our Thanksgiving restoration services.

What is so Special about D'Sapone®’s Thanksgiving Restoration Services?

Many people hire contractors for general cleaning and restoration jobs. What can be expected from them is a general scrubbing, vacuuming, re-caulking, re-grouting and perhaps, a fresh coat of paint, depending upon your budgets and requirements. But D'Sapone® begs to differ! Ours is one of the leading restoration service providers in the US.

We have highly trained artists who are passionate about their jobs. We have patented our procedures and we only use high-quality products from pFOkUS®. It is our sister concern that manufactures A-1 quality restoration products. We have signed an exclusive deal with pFOkUS® to use their products for our restoration procedure with a 5 year labor warranty.

Thanksgiving restoration offered by D'Sapone® is more detailed and inclined towards permanent fixes rather than giving temporary fixes. We have totally abolished temporary restoration procedures like re-caulking and regrouting and have introduced our long-lasting revolutionary procedures. We will now explain in detail about what you can expect from D'Sapone®’s Thanksgiving restoration services.

Main Areas where D'Sapone® Focuses for Thanksgiving Restoration Services:


Whether you have installed natural stone tile or any other tile, floors are prone to staining and mold formation. With natural stone tile, staining and mold occur at the root level because of its porosity. Floors will be the most visible in your living rooms where guests sit and in your showers and kitchens. With guests coming over, food and beverage spills on the floor is a common occurrence.


Thanksgiving party at home means having a house full of guests, who will be using your bathrooms. You need to ensure that your tile on the floors and walls is immaculate, your countertops clean, your corners sealed, your grout restored, shower glass doors free from etching and hard water stains. We offer all this and more in our shower restoration services. Showcasing spic and span showers and bathrooms uplifts your image and presents you as a good house-keeper.


Countertops in your kitchen, depending upon the kind of tile used, are prone to oil leaks, food and beverage spills, stains and mold formation. These may look dull and yellowish and may also have scratches or etches. You need to not only clean and restore your countertops, but also restore the original sheen.

What to Expect from D'Sapone®’s Thanksgiving Restoration Services:

The above mentioned areas are the main areas in a house that need to be restored. These are the most visible areas apart from your sofas and upholstery. While vacuuming carpets, upholstery and sofa sets is easy, you can make do with some additional help for restoring these services. Here is what to expect from us.

Deep Cleaning and Sanitization of Tile and Grout:

Our experts, with their trained eye, know exactly how to treat dirty tile and grout. We perform floor, shower and countertop deep cleaning processes using a penetrating cleaner and a tile and grout cleaning brush that are not abrasive and yet powerful enough to remove the hidden stains and mold. We ensure that after our Thanksgiving restoration services, your tile surfaces are thoroughly sanitized, hygienic and sparkling.

Eliminating Caulking:

D'Sapone® has totally abolished the traditional practice of caulking with a stronger adhesive that never pops off, deteriorates or turns blackish. Once we perform caulk elimination, you will find  natural lines in the corners that are water resistant.

Rendering Seamless Tile and Grout Lines by Repairing Cracks:

Repairing cracks in tile and grout is an important part of hard surfaces restoration. Our professionals have a trained eye to look for cracks and damages in tile and grout. If not rectified, these crevices may hoard water and lead to water stagnation and subsequent mold breeding. We use the best and highest-quality adhesive that does not appear bulky and also never pops off the surface. A common man would not know which adhesive to use, but after hiring D'Sapone®, you can expect seamless repair jobs.

Waterproofing Grout:

We are aware that grout needs to be sealed separately and we educate our customers on the same. Grout is porous and the moisture inside leads to mold breeding. This moisture is also the cause of a hazy appearance beneath the tile sealant. D'Sapone® ensures that your grout is restored and sealed to prevent further deterioration with a patented grout sealing process using a pigmented waterproof sealer.

Tile Sealing and Restoring the Sheen:

We next focus on sealing your tile in floors, showers, or countertops with an incredible sealer that enters the pores and shuts them and makes the surface waterproof. Our tile sealing process not just adds a coating protecting, but it also brings an incredible sheen to the surface.We do not use water-based sealers like some other companies because we are aware that they wear off quickly.

Shower Glass Door Cleaning:

Our highly trained experts remove all the stains, ething and mold from the glass with an exquisite glass door cleaning process. You will find the entrance to your shower clean and sparkling once cleaning is performed.

Glass Surfaces Sealing:

Glass doors in showers can easily become stained again due to hard water. After cleaning, our experts also perform glass sealing using a high quality sealer, thereby rendering a water-proof coating protection to your surfaces. Our services make it easier for you to maintain your glass doors. With guests at home for Thanksgiving, you will not have time to personally clean and maintain all the bathrooms, but our services will ensure that you need not worry about shower hygiene and beauty.

All the above-mentioned services offered by D'Sapone® will clean, repair and restore your floors, countertops and showers before Thanksgiving. Our Thanksgiving restoration services will make you stress-free both, before and after hosting a Thanksgiving party. After your guests leave, our artists will explain to you how to maintain your tile, grout and glass surfaces with our maintenance cleaners that will just take a few minutes to get a clean house again.