Choose the Right Tile, Grout and Glass Restoration Products Or Service

Choose the Right Tile, Grout and Glass Restoration Service or Products

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Restoration products are commonly used in homes and commercial complexes for cleaning and maintenance. But often, you are not happy with the results. If you plan to do the restoration yourself then you can try pFOkUS® products.

The reason behind your unhappiness is that you do not have the technical know-how or expertise to get desired results. While hiring a service provider ensure that you check their processes and products before. You can try hiring the services of D'Sapone®- a leading hard surface restoration service provider in the US.  Many companies including us use their products to carry out our restoration services.

A good service provider will ensure that they use the tile, grout, stone and glass restoration products to the best of their ability. Along with good products, you also need a highly trained and efficient team that cleans, seals, repairs and maintains your hard surfaces and gives your homes and commercial complexes a new look. Along with expertise, if warranty on the services is provided, then one should look no further.

The hard surface restoration products sold on the market are not all made by qualified people. Some marketers just use attractive gimmicks to sell low-quality products. See if you can trace the toll-free numbers of the manufacturing company and speak to the representatives.

The product manufacturing company should have detailed information about the quality, texture and chemical composition of different stone and tile to be able to create products that preserve them. You can try using pFOkUS® products, as their engineers and manufacturers claim to have researched in-detail regarding the structure of the natural and non-natural stone.

They have also developed products in the laboratories after studying the issues that damage stone, glass, tile and brick. At D'Sapone®, our engineers had complete trust on this company and we do not even think of trying another company’s products.

First, you should understand the issues that target your stone, tile and glass surfaces. Below we have discussed the common issues with your surface and why it allows stains and mold to take place. We will also discuss about the solutions to these issues.

Problems with Grout:

Grout is a cement and sand mix applied between two tiles to join them. This substance is porous and tends to absorb water and dirt. Due to the attraction between mold and dampness, breeding is evident. Mold and mildew formation deteriorate grout and also discolor it. If left ignored, this grout quickly spreads on the tile surface too. Moreover, grout may also get cracked or go missing in some places. The gaps cause water to get stagnant, again inviting mold.


The only solution to prevent grout damage is to seal it with a good grout sealer that forms a protective barrier on the surface, thereby preventing water seepage. You can try using Caponi® that forms a preventive barrier on the surface. It is available in more than 40 color options and hence you can easily match it to your tile.

But before you apply this epoxy resin sealer, you must clean the dirty surface using a deep-penetrating cleaner, such as Imperia Deep Clean. It is a permeable cleaner that is non-acidic in nature and yet very efficient to remove the stains and mold. Cracked and missing grout should not be regrouted. Apply a powerful adhesive, like Sentura – a pigmented flexible epoxy resin designed with a 1200psi adhesive, that easily repairs the gaps seamlessly.

Problems with Natural Stone:

Natural stone tile like travertine, marble, slate, etc also tend to absorb liquid. These porous surfaces soak in all kinds of liquids such as beverages, water and even the dirty mop water, thereby losing its sheen and offering excellent conditions for mold and mildew breeding. Regular cleaners will only remove the damages at the top while degrading the quality of your natural stone.

If you don’t take the best solution, mold and mildew will not just ruin the look of your tile and grout, they will also cause some serious health issues such as wheezing, eye infections and respiratory problems. With so many problems lurking around your natural stone tile, you need to hire a high quality restoration service provider or you can buy the best products so as to remove the stains, without damaging the integrity.


If you want a solution to clean and maintain your natural stone tile, you should ensure that you are not using an acidic cleaner. These result in etching marks and also tarnish the integrity of the tile. If you want to render your natural stone surface spic and span, you can find a very good restoration company.

Ensure that they use quality products or you can get a powerful tile and grout cleaner to do it yourself. You can try Imperia Deep Clean as it has a deep permeable quality that penetrates within the pores and eliminates dirt and debris at the root level.

But, only cleaning cannot guarantee that stains and mold will not recur. To prevent further stain formation, you should seal your surface using the right restoration product such as Celine. We tried this product from the market and it gave exemplary results. This natural stone tile sealer forms a protective barrier on the surface, thereby preserving its beauty for long.

Moreover, before using Celine as the final step, our experts also check for holes and pits on your natural stone tile. If any, they repair them using Sentura. You too should not skip this step if you are planning on restoring yourself.

Even when you have thoroughly cleaned and sanitized your surfaces, a layer of dust and dirt forming on the top is inevitable. If you want to keep your tile and grout to retain their sheen, you can try using Imperia Maintenance Cleaner. It acts as a fresh cleaner that leaves the surface sparkling clean and free from grime.

Issues with Glass Surfaces:

Hard water stains formed due to calcium and magnesium deposits, damage glass surfaces. These leave a whitish mark on the surface, making it look very dirty. Cleaning these stains with acidic cleaners lead to etching.Solution:

The best way to clean these stains is using a glass-approved cleaner that does not cause any damage to the surface and retains its sheen. D'Sapone® is very satisfied with Benaz that effortlessly removes the water dots and reveals a sparkling surface below.

To prevent the recurrence of these stains, you must apply a high-quality glass sealer. One such is Valore Glass Sealer that adds coating protection to the surface. After restoration, you need to maintain the beauty of your glass with a maintenance product. You can try another product that we tried our hands upon – Valore Maintenance. This spray forms a protective seal on the glass surface, thereby preventing further stain formation.

So, if you are intrigued by pFOkUS® product range and want to attempt DIY with their products, you can purchase the products directly from the website. And if you find the procedures too overwhelming, you can hire D'Sapone® experts for tile, grout, natural stone and glass restoration.