D'Sapone & pFOkUS Products Together Deliver High-Quality Results

D’Sapone Restoration Service and pFOkUS® Products Together Deliver High-Quality Results

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An immaculate looking home can be described as one which has stain-free floors, mold-free showers and shining countertops and glass doors. People install costly stone tile assuming that they have done what is best to get good looking interiors. But what they forget is the maintenance quotient. Most surfaces especially those of natural stone easily develop stains or chips if not maintained properly. Regardless of how well you maintain your surfaces yourself, a professional touch is required from time to time to maintain your home and give it an exuberance. Professionals are highly trained and use their patented procedures for tile, glass and grout restoration.

D'Sapone® – one of the leading tile, grout, stone and glass restoration companies offers the best professional floor tile and grout restoration services. D'Sapone® restoration services are available for all natural stone surfaces such as marble, travertine, slate and granite floors along with glass doors, grout, bathtubs and more. To make our efforts and service look effective, we take the help of pFOkUS® products. pFOkUS® – our highly-trusted brand partner and manufacturer of restoration products has helped us excel in our services. Here is how this magical blend helps to deliver awesome restoration results.

Tile and Grout Restorations:

Knocking Off Mold and Stains:

D'Sapone® experts perform a thorough cleaning using a robust and penetrating cleaner, which enter the pores of  tile and grout and release dirt, stains and mold from each layer without damaging it.

pFOkUS® Product Used – Imperia Deep Clean

Removing Efflorescence:

We also remove the efflorescence settled on your shower tile and grout by using shower approved chemicals that are tough on the mineral deposits and gentle on the surface.

pFOkUS® Product Used – Zido Chemical

 Supplanting Caulk with an Epoxy Resin Adhesive :

In order to permanently seal your shower corners, D'Sapone® professinoals supplant caulk with a high-quality epoxy resin adhesive, which can fill in the gaps and corners and form a permanent bond. Such an adhesive will never pop off the surface, thereby proving to be the best caulk substitute.

pFOkUS® Product Used – Sentura

Repairing Cracked Tile and Grout:

After cleaning, the cracks and crevices on shower tile and grout become even more visible. Our experts cover these flaws using a strong adhesive, which renders a seamless repair job without appearing too bulky.

pFOkUS® Product Used – Sentura

Sealing Grout with an Epoxy Sealer:

 Next, we conceal the repaired grout by sealing it with an efficient epoxy sealer, which forms a waterproof layer on the surface, thereby preventing it from further staining or mold formation.

pFOkUS® Product Used – Caponi®

Sealing Natural Stone Tile:

After cleaning the tile and sealing the grout, the last part of shower restoration is sealing the shower tile using a clear topical resin sealant that waterproofs the stone and leaves it with a sheen. This sheen lasts for a lifetime and will always prevent it from etching and staining problems.

Glass Restorations:

Glass doors often show stains of hard water dots and soap scum. It is inevitable as glass doors are always exposed to water splashes. It is also not easy to remove these water dots and you need to apply a lot of effort in making your glass doors sparkling everyday. But, to bring respite from this tedious daily chores, D'Sapone® offers professional glass restoration services that help you get rid of these stains and also ensure that they won’t occur again. To bring value to our services, we take help of pFOkUS® glass restoration products which are mentioned below.

Cleaning the Glass Surfaces Using Benaz:

We use a powerful glass-approved cleaner that is quite effective on filth, soap scum and hard water stains. It thoroughly removes all the dirt and impurities giving you a clear surface within minutes, without damaging the glass. It is also quite effective on etching. Unlike acidic cleaners, which harm the glass door, it renders an ideal cleanliness to the surface.

pFOkUS® Product Used – Benaz

 Sealing  Glass with Valore Glass Sealant:

Just cleaning the door with Benaz will not prevent the water dots from forming again. We offer services to shield the glass from hard water. We use a powerful glass sealant that forms a hydrophilic surface on the surface, thereby preventing further hard water dots formation. It is an ideal shower glass protector which protects and preserves your glass surface for long.

pFOkUS® Product Used – Valore Sealer

D'Sapone® restoration services and pFOkUS® products have merged and created the most powerful and effective collaboration benefiting thousands of homes across America. Our restoration services can assure you aesthetically enhanced and hygienic surfaces for long.