Marble Sealing Service Using Solvent Sealers - D'Sapone

Sealing Marble Tile: The Mistakes to Avoid and The Right Way to Do it.

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Marble is a hard crystalline metamorphic form of limestone, which renders an elegant look for the interior and exterior of your home. Marble is highly preferred by home interior decorators because it has a unique charm and rich appeal to it. People use marble in their showers, countertops and flooring. However, it is very porous and retains moisture, causing mold, mildew and stain to take place. Soft drinks, such as coke and juices comprise of acidic acid, etch marble. If the stone is not restored with the correct products, then it is nothing short of a burden for your home or business. Your stone is at risk of etching, if it has not been sealed. Without cleaning and sealing marble, your stone will lose its elegance. So now that you have got your answer to the question whether should marble be sealed or not, lets see the right way to do it.

Common Mistakes People Make While Sealing Marble:

Sealing Marble the Right Way:

You strive for durable sealers, delivering your stone that perfect coat of lush enhancement. We always aim to take the natural stone to the next level with our incredibly designed solvent sealers that you have come to rely on. We never believe in low quality products for sealing marble and that’s the reason why we have signed an exclusive agreement with pFOkUS®, which is one of the best restoration products manufacturing companies. We have our clear topical solvent sealants that will never peel and wear off your surface. Mentioned below is a detailed explanation on how to seal marble to give you long-lasting clarity and sheen.

Cleaning Marble to Eliminate Tough Stains and Mold:

We strive towards perfection and put in tough efforts to remove stains and mold completely. We clean the stone with Imperia Deep Clean at a sanitized level, which is the most powerful cleaner on the market. It removes stains and etching on the surface and then penetrates deep to eliminate them from the root.

Sealing Marble to Create a Protective Barrier:

After cleaning the stone, we seal it with Repela – Bond to prevent further staining and mold development. It is a natural look sealer which leaves an ideal look to the stone. After sealing marble countertops and flooring with Repela-Bond, it penetrates deep into the stone, creating a perfect lush protection on the surface. It is suitable for any part of your home, whether it is shower or kitchen. Repela-Bond prevents water and any liquid from staining the stone. It can be applied to the grout as well.

We can also seal marble with Celine. It also does the same work as Repela-Bond, but if you need more sheen for your stone, we seal it with Celine. It gives a refined elegance for marble with tremendous protection from stains and mold.

Maintenance and Care:

Once your surface has been restored to perfection by the expert artists of D'Sapone®, you can maintain it yourself regularly. Although you don’t have to worry about any major staining issues or etching, once the stone has been sealed, it is necessary that you clean it with a soft and wet cloth regularly. This will keep dust and filth away. You can also maintain your marble stone with some efficient products to preserve the beauty and integrity of your surfaces for long. These products are explained below.

Maintaining Marble Flooring and Countertops:

For maintaining marble flooring and countertops, you can use Imperia Maintenance Cleaner. It is a weekly maintenance tile cleaning product which makes your cleaning job easier and with less effort. Once you have removed the stains from your tile and grout, you can use Imperia Maintenance Cleaner which acts as a fresh cleaner leaving the surface sparkling clean and free from grime.

Maintaining Marble Shower:

For marble maintenance in shower, you can use Valore Maintenance. It is a combination of sealer and cleaner, which has been made with Repela – Technology that efficiently cleans and seals at the same time. Its molecular invisible bonding chemicals attach to the marble tile, preventing the formation of any stains or dots. It repels water at a hydrophilic level making the water sheet off the surface.

“So, get a move on!” Contact D'Sapone® for sealing marble stone on your flooring, countertops and shower.